Activating the Power of Gemstones: Easy Five-Step Rituals for Energizing Gemstones


For millennia, people have been mesmerized by gemstones due to their iridescent beauty and mysterious appeal. Gemstones are said to have special powers because of the energy and characteristics they contain. One such gem with a strong reputation for astrological importance is the Yellow sapphire stone, or Pukhraj, as it is called in India.

However, many people think that certain rituals must be carried out in order to fully activate these cosmic gemstones. This blog post will discuss the significance of pre-wearing rituals for gemstones, with special attention paid to the Yellow sapphire stone, or Pukhraj, and its value in India.

Energizing Gemstones: A Time-Honored Tradition

Gemstone energization is a practice with profound roots in many spiritual and cultural traditions worldwide. There is a widespread belief that gemstones have more to offer than merely aesthetic value as jewelry. People believe they may harness the stones' natural powers for their own benefit via the performance of elaborate ceremonies of gemstone cleaning rituals.

The Significance of Yellow Sapphire Gemstone (Pukhraj)

Jupiter, the planet linked with good fortune and enlightenment in Vedic astrology, is said to favor those who wear a  Yellow sapphire stone or Pukhraj. Some people think that wearing a yellow sapphire would experience boost financial security, marital satisfaction, and general well-being. Therefore, gemstone cleaning rituals performed to charge and activate its abilities are highly valued.

Rituals for Energizing Gemstones

  1. Cleansing: The first step in recharging a Yellow sapphire stone is to rid it of any negativity or pollutants it may have picked up along the way. You may accomplish this by soaking it in a solution of water and sea salt for a few hours, or by washing it with clean water.
    During the full moon, believed to have the most potent energy, is a popular time for cleansing gemstones.

  2. Charging: Yellow stones can be charged by placing them in the sun or under the moon. It is suggested that the gemstone can absorb the beneficial energy from these sources. Moonlight is frequently seen to be more fitting for kanakapushyaragam stone.

  3. Mantras and Affirmations: To strengthen the energy connection, recite a Guru mantra (108 times) or affirmation while holding the gemstone. Mantras honouring Jupiter's presiding god Lord Brihaspati are often performed while wearing a yellow sapphire.

  • Yellow Sapphire Mantra in English - ‘Om Brim Brihaspataye Namah’

  • Pukhraj Stone Mantra in Hindi (ॐ बृं बृहस्पतये नमः |)

  1. Burying in Earth: The gem can be interred in the ground to enable it to absorb the Earth's vitality in another ceremony. This practice is grounded in the belief that the gemstone's inherent properties can be gemstone cleaning rituals and amplified by the Earth's energies. 

  2. Offering to Deities: In various religions and cultures, these gems are offered as tokens of reverence to deities to seek their favor. This offering is typically made at temples or other sacred locations associated with the deity.

  3. Wearing on Auspicious Days: For good luck or to commemorate a special occasion, many individuals only wear their jewels on certain days and times. The power of a gemstone is believed to be amplified when it is worn on a significant day.

Pukhraj Stone Price in India

Several criteria, like quality, carat weight, color, clarity, and provenance, may greatly affect how much a yellow sapphire costs. In India, Pukhraj stones are available at a wide range of price points. The Pukhraj stone price in India is primarily determined by:

  1. Color: The primary factor in the yellow sapphire's value is its color. There is a premium for yellows that are very pure, with no other colors mixed in.

  2. Clarity: The clarity of a yellow sapphire gemstone is essential, as it is with any other precious gem. There is a price premium for stones that have fewer flaws and imperfections because of this perception of superior quality.

  3. Cut and Carat Weight: The cut of the stone, in addition to the carat weight, is a major factor in establishing the selling price. Yellow sapphires are most valued when they are large and nicely cut.

  4. Origin: The prices of gemstones can also be influenced by the location of their mining. Yellow sapphires may be more costly if they come from a place noted for their exceptional quality stones.

  5. When purchasing yellow sapphires, it is essential to ensure they come with proper certification from reputable gemological organizations to authenticate their authenticity and quality.

Closing Note:

Buy yellow sapphire online, at Navratan to avail full advantages with precise recommendations for energising ceremonies. Pukhraj stone price in India varies at different criteria, the energizing process is still an essential part of turning it from a raw stone into a potent amulet. We own an experienced team of astrologers who know how to enhance these gemstones. Whether you believe in the metaphysical characteristics of gemstones or merely appreciate their beauty, we are there to assist you in your final decision to engage in such practices. We ensure to facilitate a spiritual connection between you and your gemstones.


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